I Quit EZ

Quit Smoking & Lose Weight with Laser...

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The Program...

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the treatment in one of our
comfortable recliners !
The Treatment:
The I Quit EZ Program is the most advanced treatment for smoking cessation. It combines:
• Laser Treatment
• Guidance advice
• Back-up support
As everyone reacts differently to stopping smoking, the program is tailored to each individual's needs. This means that regardless of how many you have smoked and for how long, the program can help you achieve your goal.
Fact: Carbon monoxide, tars and nicotine are the three main components of tobacco.
The Laser Treatment:
The laser treatment involves the application of a cold, soft, non-evasive laser beam to specific energy points on the body; this is completely safe and painless.
This will help stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural chemical, which deals with the relief of pain and stress.
It is believed that nicotine releases endorphins which give the smoker a sense of relaxation. When smoking stops, the sudden drop in endorphin levels leads to withdrawal symptoms. Laser treatment helps reduce the craving, stress, and restores balance.
Fact: Nicotine is known to be the addictive component in tobacco.
The Guidance:
Guidance is based on the client-centered motivational model which focuses on self-belief and positive thinking. During the treatment we will help you deal with the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of quitting smoking.
Back-up Support:
A help-line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing ongoing support to secure lifestyle changes and remain smoke-free.
Fact: Oxygen is reduced in your body when carbon monoxide binds with red blood cells.
What is I Quit EZ Laser Therapy?